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Are you a good psychologist? (10) Each of us has to appraise other people. Certainly, it's not easy to be objective about it. The given test will help you to find out, if you have abilities in the field of psychology, the skill to appreciate people at their true value or you are often wrong.
Logic/ ethics (17) This test is for those who want to determine if he is inclined to logic or to ethics. In each pair of sentences mark the one you are agree with.
World perception (9) We all live in one world but we perceive it differently. Do you want to know how your world looks like?
Are you afraid to go beyond the boundaries of routine? (12) Is it true that prudence and carefulness are useful in all situations? Or they can only make from people irresolute cowards? Some people like comfort and thus they are very careful before making a decision, some people think over and over: and let others decide for them after all. And someone seems to think about nothing at all and rely on a chance.
Do you possess dignity? (10) We've heard for so many times that a human being has to possess dignity! If the person is too uninteresting to respect himself, he is hardly to find friends. Are you sure about your own dignity? Find it out!
To guide or to be guided? (12) Each of us is subjected to certain influence, and influences others as well. If you want to know whether you possess the ability to influence others, try this test!
What is your attitude towards yourself? (6) Do you like yourself? Do you know that love to yourself and self-respect help people to protect themselves against anguish. This test will help you understand how much you are satisfied with your life.