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Are you cunning? (9) Are you prone to slyness and cunning? Or are you straight and uncompromising? Some professions require from the person the abilities to hide the feelings and intrigue rather than to work hard. Many people cannot play the double game. And what about you? What type of man are you? This test will help you to find it out.
Are you satisfied with your life? (14) Could you follow one of our famous contemporaries and say: 'If I had a choice to start the life again, I would choose my own life'. Can you? If you are not afraid of being disappointed in your life, please, answer the questions of this test.
Why do you need money? (5) What is your attitude to money? Do you count every cent or like to carouse to the max? This test will help you to find the solution to this important problem in the life of every person.
Can you manage? (14) This test determines whether you have abilities to be a manager
Your priorities. (12) The test will help you to find out what is a priority for you in a professional sphere. Do you agree with the following statements?
Are you ready to stress? (20) There are a lot of stresses in our life. Sometimes it is difficult to say what reaction you will have in different situations. Will you be able to cope with difficulties or stress will ruin you? This test will help you to estimate your strength of mind.