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    Are you an artistic person? (24)
    Some people like drawing. The others can listen to music all day long. These people usually are very attentive to everything around them. In other words, they love beauty. In their view, Art make life better. And there are people for whom these things are unnecessary and useless.
    Link code:
    <a target=_blank href="//tests.rin.ru/cgi-bin/test_e.cgi?N=0&test=204"> Are you an artistic person? </a>

    Pernicious habits (1)
    What do you prefer more: to breathe in aroma of new-mown grass or exhaust automobile gases? Revel in the sun on the seaside or be smoked under violet light of a quartz lamp? Listen to nightingale singing or shrill sound of ambulance siren? There is nothing to think about to answer these questions. Everyone prefers what is natural and pleasant. But sometimes we contradict ourselves and choose the opposite. That it how bad habits arouse. It's nonsense to think we are content with substitutes of our free will. Bad habits are substitution of pleasures, which we have to refuse, or are unavailable for some reason or other. But why is it so hard to give up a bad habit? One can hardly get rid of it under threatens and against his will. The only possible way to give it up is to clear up what missing pleasure you compensate with a bad habit.
    Link code:
    <a target=_blank href="//tests.rin.ru/cgi-bin/test_e.cgi?N=0&test=251"> Pernicious habits </a>

    How reliable is your memory? (13)
    Let's check it! Give yes/no answers.
    Link code:
    <a target=_blank href="//tests.rin.ru/cgi-bin/test_e.cgi?N=0&test=304"> How reliable is your memory? </a>

    Why do you need money? (5)
    What is your attitude to money? Do you count every cent or like to carouse to the max? This test will help you to find the solution to this important problem in the life of every person.
    Link code:
    <a target=_blank href="//tests.rin.ru/cgi-bin/test_e.cgi?N=0&test=90"> Why do you need money? </a>

    How can you uncover a future sadist in your sweetheart? (10)
    Often married women get surprised as what happened to their gallant men who suddenly turned to be monsters beating wives and children? There can be lots of reasons but, as people say, it's easier to prevent the illness than to cure it. This test will help young girls to discover disturbing symptoms.
    Link code:
    <a target=_blank href="//tests.rin.ru/cgi-bin/test_e.cgi?N=0&test=207"> How can you uncover a future sadist in your sweetheart? </a>

    How sincere are you? (10)
    Psychologists have counted that on average a common person lies at least twice a day. More often the truth is embroidered or distorted; or a person prefer to keep silence, and it's not very honest behaviour too. Let's try to find out how sincere you are with people and with yourself.
    Link code:
    <a target=_blank href="//tests.rin.ru/cgi-bin/test_e.cgi?N=0&test=299"> How sincere are you? </a>

    Do you easily become friends with other people? (8)
    Do you feel at ease in any situation? Are you of those people who are believed to be easy going? Try to find out if you are such a person.
    Link code:
    <a target=_blank href="//tests.rin.ru/cgi-bin/test_e.cgi?N=0&test=268"> Do you easily become friends with other people? </a>

    Do you know how to be happy? (10)
    The test reveals your ability to be happy.
    Link code:
    <a target=_blank href="//tests.rin.ru/cgi-bin/test_e.cgi?N=0&test=122"> Do you know how to be happy? </a>

    Can you spend money rationally? (15)
    What does it mean to spend money rationally? It's much more than just to buy a tuft of lettuce at a low price. Enterprising people prefer to make money. And what about you? Can you orient in free market? Can you run risks reasonably? Are you a spender, or, maybe, you are afraid to place your bet? Test yourself.
    Link code:
    <a target=_blank href="//tests.rin.ru/cgi-bin/test_e.cgi?N=0&test=168"> Can you spend money rationally? </a>

    Who is to blame? (7)
    Rather often family conflicts turn into long-term war. The result is divorce. But who is to blame? Most women point to their husbands. Are they right?
    Link code:
    <a target=_blank href="//tests.rin.ru/cgi-bin/test_e.cgi?N=0&test=235"> Who is to blame? </a>

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