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How strong is your character? (19) We are all different people with different fates and different characters. This test is able to reflect to a certain extent the essence of your character.
Cynicism or sentimentality (9) It's hard to survive for sensitive and sentimental people in the jungle of modern life. On the other hand, cynic is risking losing inner harmony. And what are you?
Do you resist the others' opinion? (14) Do you consider yourself a person independent from public opinion? Have you ever been in situations when you behaved against your mind and intuition? Don't wait for a fatal moment, get ready in advance. This test will help you to define if you can resist the others
Can you put a spell on people? (6) People consider that person nice, who can create warm atmosphere in a friendly circle. Are you a charming person? Or you are annoyed and grumble too often? Test yourself!
Scents and personality (1) Some people like flower perfume the others hate it. What does it depend on? The thing is that different types of personality prefer different smells. Check yourself!
How tolerant are you towards people? (5) Do you often lose your temper and raise your voice talking to people? Do you try hard to control yourself and not get annoyed because of people's insignificant demerits? This test will help you to understand how tolerant you are towards others.
Do you easily yield to temptation? (5) Do you easily yield to temptation?We often face temptations in our everyday life. It can be a too nutritious cake, or alcohol drink in working hours, or idleness instead of physical activity. Are you able to resist temptation? That is the question of this test.