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You are going to marry (13) You love your future husband. Nevertheless, you are in doubts about your marriage, and ask advice from your relatives and friends. Maybe, it's better to ask yourself if you are ready for marriage. Our test will be of great help to you. You will find all the answers here.
Conflicts between spouses (9) Only few persons manage to preserve calmness and precise mind at the peak of the conflict. Can you control yourself in conflict situations?
Venus test (10) Love is a particular feeling which can hardly be rationalized. One can never say for sure if it's genuine feeling or just forced emotion. How can we tell illusion from reality? Love goddess Venus will help you to answer this question and find out how you treat your sweetheart and if you really love
Grandparents (10) What grandparents do your children have? This test will help you to understand if their influence on your children spoils them or not.
Are you a master of the house? (10) Theoretically, every man should be a master of the house. But, there are another variants. Do you want to know who you are? Answer the questions of our test.
Why are you still married? (19) You hardly ever ask yourself this question, thinking that only true feeling like yours can be the basis of the united family. As a matter of fact, everything is much more complicated. The family is a peaceful place, where close people wait for you, where you can have a rest from mad life and the whole world. What is marriage for you? If you are interested, this test is for you.
Is your child gifted? (23) Certainly, parents think that their child is the best one in the world. That's right. There are no children who are unable to do anything. But, it's difficult to understand at once in what field your child can show talent. Sometimes, you face mistakes and disappointments. We offer this test, which is made up by psychologists for children of 7-13 years old. It will help you to check your observation and determine in what field of activity your child is gifted from birth. Answer 'yes' or 'no' on the following questions.
Test for: Cinderella (1) Imagine yourself Cinderella. We admit it's rather difficult: furnace, coppers, broom: probably you haven't ever seen them. But you should try. Take a broom and assume an image! It's a simple and funny test to find out how you control your husband (or a boyfriend). Each item helps to tell who is leader of you.